05. Dezember 2022


Mit dem Bau der STORY am Rosenbüehl in Thusis wird die Sportwerkstatt in ein neues Ladenlokal umziehen. Was waren die Beweggründe dafür? Daniela hat Matthi und Martin auf einem Spaziergang dazu befragt (? siehe Video).

Im November 2011, vor 11 Jahren, haben Matthias, Johannes und Martin den Entschluss gefasst und die Viamala Sportwerkstatt GmbH gegründet. Mit dem Ziel Dreh- und Angelpunkt für Mountainbike & Wintersporterlebnisse in der Region zu werden. Wir hatten stets das Bestreben, uns von einem «gewöhnlichen Sportgeschäft» zu differenzieren und das Erlebnis für unsere Gäste in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Sei es auf dem Mountainbike oder im Shop selber.

With the design of the spacious store and various events that took place in it, we were able to draw attention to ourselves and build more and more of a foundation on which a solid company now stands.

The customer base grew, the product range expanded and space became increasingly scarce. The next step after 10 years had to be carefully considered. However, the need for more space became ever greater. Various options had to be considered, such as expanding in the existing location, looking for something new and rebuilding or building a new store. In the end, we opted for a new building.

Other ideas flowed into this. If we are planning a new building, what could be the next differentiation step?

Groups who came on the bike with us often also felt the need to do something for their own business. Even before the pandemic, so-called "working nomads" or "remote workers" were able to do their work with us while on the road. So it would be great if we could provide even more explicit workplaces. And once we have these, we could also address teams that work together. And invite them to join us for a team retreat or coworkation for a few days, for example, and accompany them. They would then also benefit from the fact that it's a great place to go biking, hiking or simply enjoy nature and the mountains. Yes, and if they are already with us... the bike groups or business teams, then it would be great if they could also stay with us for a night or two.

This was the idea and the basis for the STORY in Thusis. The current changes in tourism, but also in the labor market, favor the "New Work" trend. And the way in which tourism has to change - the buzzword is "resonance tourism" - also influences the STORY as we want to implement and further develop it in Thusis.

Have you become even more curious?

In the next few updates, we will go into the coworking, lodge & lounge areas step by step and tell you more about them. Also what "resonance tourism" is all about.

We are delighted to have you with us!


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