08. Oktober 2023
MiaEngiadina & STORY Thusis join forces
At the opening event of the coworking in STORY Thusis last Thursday, October 5, 2023, the partnership with the miaEngiadina association was announced. Thanks to this, STORY coworking members can also redeem their conditions at the two miaEngiadina coworkings in La Punt and Scuol in the Engadin. Conversely, this also applies to miaEngiadina members in Thusis. With this experiment, the STORY initiators, represented by Martin and Annina Gerber-Nidecker and miaEngiadina board members, represented by Juliane Blümel and Jon Erni (from right to left) as well as Annina Coradi (not in the picture), want to emphasize the attractiveness of Graubünden as a place to work and live.
With a short message to info@story-thusis.ch or info@miaengiadina.ch announce the intention & time and the respective membership will be confirmed.
STORY Become a coworking member