28. Oktober 2023
SME management meets SPitzensPort
On the Wednesday morning of 25 October 2023, we had the pleasure of co-organizing and hosting the 1st ÖKK Networking Event with Nino Schurter in the #STORY.
It was a great honor for us to be able to provide a framework and space for discussion on the topics of "courage", "focus & balance" and "learning from mistakes" with Luana Bergamin (Grisons entrepreneur & member of the Grand Council), Nino Schurter (Olympic mountain bike champion & 10-time world champion), Lorenz Luginbühl (entrepreneur & board member of BR Events AG) and our Martin Gerber (agile coach, creative thinker & co-initiator of #STORY).
"We always have a plan, but we often have to throw it overboard or adapt it shortly after the start of the race." Nino says when asked how he and his team prepare for a race.
It was really exciting to hear how Nino deals with the issues in top-class sport. And how we approach it in the private sector and what we can transfer and learn from it. Many thanks to all participants for attending, taking part and for the inspiring input from our audience chair 😊.
After almost 2 hours, we were invited by ÖKK to treat all the guests to lunch in the lounge before the program continued in the afternoon as part of the ÖKK Family Bike Day with Nino in the Trailcenter-Thusis.
40 Kinder und 21 Erwachsene durften sich unter der Leitung von 6 Bike-Guides der Sportwerkstatt und dem Beisein von Nino selber, im Trailcenter den einen oder anderen Fahrtechnik Tipp zeigen lassen und im Beisein ihres Idols gleich selber Neues ausprobieren.
The adults were also able to pick up a few handyman tips on the repair course so that they would be prepared for the next extraordinary event on the bike tour.
The bike day was rounded off with an autograph session with Nino, where he took plenty of time for every single child, big or small. Nino then took his daughter for more laps of the Trailcenter.
It was a day full of exciting encounters, exercise and happy faces!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 🙏 To all participants & helpers.
Es tut so gut zusammen mit Partner:innen, wie der ÖKK, Tamara Bardy und Jürg Held, einen solchen Event unkompliziert auf die Beine stellen und durchführen zu dürfen. Und zusammen mit Pragmatic Solutions und Norbert Zeller als Moderator, den Bike-Guides der Sportwerkstatt und vielen weiteren Helfern der ÖKK, Pragmatic Solutions und dem STORY Team den Raum und Rahmen zu bieten und zu halten.
This is also what the STORY Thusis resonance venue stands for. A place where people share their stories, where acquaintances meet, exchange ideas, get to know new people and generally "learn". And then move on with a richer experience.
We are already looking forward to the next exciting networking events, learning lunches, experiences on the bike or otherwise in the Viamala region.
More to come...
PS: Do you have an exciting story or experience that you would like to share? Send us your personal or team STORY directly!
#coworking #lounge
#teamwork #agileorganization #self-organization #trailcenterthusis
#ÖKK #SME #Insurance #Bundnerverstand
Pictures © ÖKK& Martin G.