19. August 2024
One-sided, monotonous meetings vs. tension-driven meetings
That was our topic at the #learninglunch on August 8, 2024 at STORY Thusis
Meetings are often seen as tedious, one-sided and a waste of time. In my experience, this is also often true in the classic style. Because it's always the same people speaking, they often last longer than they should, and at the end I ask myself what value I was able to create. Do you know this too?
In the meantime, I often get quite antsy in such meetings.
Therefore, if you are an organizer, I recommend that you try out a "tension-driven meeting" next time. You can find out exactly how this works here in the tools section of the pragmatic solutions ag website. There you will also find instructions for moderation and other interesting links. And of course you can always get in touch with me (Martin from the STORY team) if you want to find out more. We also work according to this pattern at STORY.
But this much in advance; the meeting form is called tension driven because the agenda is set up according to the current tensions of the participants.
What is a voltage?
And now it is important to understand that tension does not necessarily have to mean something negative.
Because in the context of New Way of Working, we mean something neutral in the physical sense. In other words, like an energy potential that has not yet been released and drives the necessary change in an organization from within.
A formulated tension can sound like this, for example: "I would like to share with you the positive feedback from customer xy, who..." or like this: "For the organization of our team offsite next month, I still need feedback from you on the planned activities."
The following types of voltage can be summarized:
- I would like to share some information
- I need information, would like to obtain perspectives
- I expect an action from role xy
- I have an expectation (recurring) that is currently not being met
The first 3 tensions are more of an operational nature. While the latter has an impact on corporate governance, i.e. how the organization's system is defined and can result in adjustments to rules, roles or responsibilities.
Why do we actually see tensions as something negative and why is it not easy for us to formulate our own observations and potentials, or tensions?
One reason could be that we have historically tried to fulfill the expectations of others. I was not expected to recognize my own tensions and contribute them. In addition, there is often a lack of space and psychological security for me to contribute on my own responsibility. Descriptions of problems also take center stage and take up more time in discussions than the opportunity to look for solutions.
How do I recognize a voltage?
It also helps me a lot to pay attention to myself and my body and to be aware of what triggers a potential for change (tension) that I have recognized. Even if it sounds a bit esoteric, tensions can be felt if we consciously pay attention to them. Chris Cowan, from HolacracyOne, talks in a blog post "Understanding Tensions" about the fact that tensions are felt before we think about them and perceive them as a potential problem. It is therefore worth sharing a feeling, even if it is difficult to formulate at first. Together with the team, this can then be put into words.
The aim is always to resolve the tensions directly in the meeting or, if this is not possible, to package them into a concrete next step including owner:in.
And now I wish you lots of fun learning while experimenting and look forward to hearing about your experiences. Feel free to comment directly here on this article or in person.
And don't forget... you can find the tool description "Tension-oriented meeting" here.
Your Martin
Note on the Learning Lunch: This always takes place on the 1st Thursday of the month at 12:15 pm at #COWORKING at STORY in Thusis. Here, top performers themselves can use a platform to publicize their topics or receive impulses about new forms in the world of work. It is explicitly permitted and desired that you simply bring your own lunch. On this afternoon, you can also use the coworking space to work or continue networking with other participants.