
Graubünden Bike - Open Space Workshop

06. Dezember 2023

35 workshop participants work in an open space format

Open space - whaat! Many people probably asked themselves this question and yet 35 participants accepted the invitation to the workshop in November 2023 by Darco Cazin, official project manager of the "graubünden bike 2023 - 2026" project. And yet the project is not being run as a traditional project. Rather, those people who want to get involved and are best able to do so with their background, experience and knowledge should steer and help determine what the next right and important step is.

The open space workshop format provides the perfect framework for this. Because there are few guidelines. Just a few rules and an empty agenda. With the question "What can graubünden bike contribute to the nature metropolis?", Matthias Anderegg, as facilitator of the workshop, opened the round with the request to suggest topics that should form the agenda for the next 24 hours. This quickly resulted in 18 topics, which were discussed in parallel break-out sessions. Topics that position Graubünden not "only" as a vacation canton, but also as an alternative living space. Topics that further strengthen the mountain bike, but also the bicycle in everyday life or for commuting to work, for guests, workation visitors, second home and residents.

After an intensive first day, the discussions continued in the evening in the lounge over an aperitif followed by a tavolata with lasagne. Ideas were discussed and plans made well into the night. Some then spent the night in our lodge or in partner hotels in Thusis before continuing with further sessions until midday on the second day.

The final round, again all together, showed that this open format was a surprise for many and initially raised question marks. But then it quickly led to many new impulses and gained some new fans who can well imagine joining a workshop with more "open space" in the future. And to involve the energy and knowledge of the participants to a greater extent.

It was an immense pleasure for us to host the workshop in our STORY rooms. The feedback confirms that STORY is an open space per se and, with its modularity and open spaces, is perfectly suited for this type of workshop. If you are now curious, our Martin will be happy to provide you with information and will also be happy to accompany your next workshop in open space format. Perhaps as part of a team workation?

Go to Workation

If you would like to find out more about the Open Space workshop format, you can also read about it here on the website of our partner Pragmatic Solutions.

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