
1st birthday party 2024

Are you ready for the lounge party?

We are convinced: Celebrating life is important & right. One year of STory Thusis. We celebrate that!

The local guys from NGURU join the party. And DJ Toru brings us and the party to a boil.

Ticketvorverkauf ausverkauft.

Es hat aber noch wenige Tickets an der Abendkasse.

"now it's off" - we are incredibly looking forward to the evening.


Datum und Uhrzeit


Rosenbühl, Thusis


4 pm Warmup

7 p.m. NGURU live on stage

20.30 Party on with DJ Toru

11 pm finish & off to bed

Eintritt Vorverkauf CHF 19 / Abendkasse CHF 25

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